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Art of the Ozarks: Fine Art Fair, is a celebration of creativity and community hosted by Formed: An Artist Collective. This 3rd annual indoor art fair is here and ready to showcase the incredible talent we have in the Ozarks.

Not only will you be able to showcase and sell your artwork, but you also have the opportunity to win prizes and awards in recognition of the quality of your work.

  • Best of Show - $500

  • Best of Show 2D - $250

  • Best of Show 3D - $250

  • Award of Excellence - $150

  • Honorable Mentions - $50

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2024 Best In Show Winner David Bigelow and Host Laura Ingalsbe
2024 Best In 2D Winner Dana Neuenschwander and Host Laura Ingalsbe
2024 Best In 3D Winner Estrapala Woodworking and Host Laura Ingalsbe

The Jury Process

The jury panel will consist of 3 qualified jurors. Each entry will be considered by the jurors using a computer monitor, so please only submit high quality images of your own work. Each artist will be assigned a number to ensure anonymous judging by the jury. The jury process is closed and not open to the public or applicants. The following factors will be considered in the jurying process:

  • Presentation: Jurors will assess how your overall display enhances your body of work, ensuring it looks professional, inviting, and cohesive.

  • Craftsmanship: Jurors will evaluate the technical skill and overall quality of your work.

  • Originality: Your work should be uniquely yours and stand out visually, showing fresh ideas and a distinct style.


As a juried art show, applicants pay a non-refundable jury fee with the submission of their application.

Accepted Mediums

  • Calligraphy

  • Ceramics/Pottery

  • Drawing

  • Fiber arts - clothing & decorative 

  • Floral Arrangements

  • Glass

  • Leather

  • Metal Works

  • Painting - Decorative & Fine Art

  • Paper/Mixed Media

  • Photography

  • Sculpture

  • Toys

  • Weaving (Fabric/Other)

  • Wood - Decorative & Furnishings

  • Wood - Furnishings

Don't see your medium here?

Contact us


  • Attendance is required for all artists throughout the two-day festival. Representatives or agents are not permitted. Artists may be asked to provide photo identification at festival check-in.

  • Artists may share booth space with another artist, but both artists must pass the jury process.

  • Artists must possess a City of Springfield retail license and a State of MO tax identification number. Additional information regarding licensing will be provided upon acceptance to Art of the Ozarks.

  • Artists are responsible for providing their own display setup. Pipe and drape dividers are provided for each artist. Tables and chairs are available for artists by request (you will request these in the application). All other display materials are to be provided by the artist.  Art of the Ozarks does not provide display materials for artists.

  • All artwork must be both conceived and executed by the exhibiting artist.

  • Utilization of commercially available molds, kits, or patterns is prohibited.

  • Importing or engaging in buy/sell transactions is not allowed.

  • Artists are responsible for the collection and reporting of sales tax.

  • Fine art prints (reproductions of original artwork) may be sold, but they may not make up more than 25% of your display.

  • The event takes place rain or shine, as it’s indoors, so artists should be prepared accordingly. It is the artist’s responsibility to ensure adequate insurance coverage for their artwork and display. Art of the Ozarks will not be liable for any damage to artwork or displays resulting from weather or other incidents.

Booth Information

Artists' Booth Assignments will be sent via email October 15, 2025. 

  • Booth spaces are 10´ by 10´

  • There is a $150 booth fee; payable upon acceptance into the show

  • Booth fees are non-refundable and must be paid by the deadline to be included in the Art of the Ozarks. 

  • Booth spaces will be next to each other, there’s no space in between. Your booth display and design needs to incorporate storage and ease of access for both yourself and patrons.  Artists are not allowed to use another artists booth as a means of entrance and exit to their own space. 

  • Electricity is available for all artists.  Artists provide their own extension cords and power strips. 

  • Tables and chairs are available by request

  • Booth spaces will have pipe and drape separating each artist

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